Installing the Strap

First, tape the unit in place on the throttle and position the strap so that it aligns properly at the two connection points.  Be sure the strap fits flush against the front of the throttle as well.  Once you have the strap in position, mark the angle and cut the end of the strap to fit properly at the top of the unit.
Once the angle is cut, apply some epoxy and use a screw to secure the strap into place.  Before the glue dries, test the fit again and shift the strap if necessary to get the angle just right. 

After the glue dries, use super glue to glue a Post-It-Note over the attachment end of the strap.  Align the paper so that it will fit nicely at the base of the wheel pot cover plate. Trim the paper so as to give a nice appearance.

Apply some fiberglass over the paper and then sand it smooth.  Notice that I've completely taped the strap so that it will be protected from the painting.

In the next chapter, we will prime and paint the piggyBackTrim