This site is dedicated to flight simulation and the configuration and modification of the various controllers used to play these games.
Over the years I've used a lot of different brands of controllers. I bought my first set of CH Products controllers some ten years ago and have never looked back. Though I use other brands in my projects (mostly because I can get them cheap), I stick strictly to CH because they last forever.
I dabble in a variety of flight simulators but my primary interest is the WW II combat game Aces High where I am known as HomeBoy. My real name is Mark Fletcher and I have a background in electronics, computer science, and cabinet/furniture building. I have also spent many years building and flying radio control models.
I am the creator and seller of the leftyHOTAS which are left-handed versions of the FighterStick and Pro Throttle. You can read about this and other projects I have done and am working on.
Hope you enjoy what you find here.