Digging Into TrackIR5

Beyond the Manual

The Journey

I, like so many other flight simmers have spent years trying to escape the POV hat.  My desire for a more realistic viewing system began with the first TrackIR where you put the little stickers on your forehead or the bridge of your glasses.  Although I have been tempted by the alure of VR, I seem to always find my way back to TrackIR.   Having begun with combat flight sims, the need for a fast viewing system and the elimination of blind spots was paramount.  Then I drifted into general aviation and the need tailed off.  I sold my TrackIR4 camera and upgraded to TrackIR5 but since GA sims doesn't tax your viewing system that much,  I basically just plugged the thing in and used it right out of the box.   Recently I've regained interest in air combat causing me to dig into the details of version 5. 

We flight sim enthuasists all have various sized monitors, eye conditions, and tastes which makes understanding how to configure your TrackIR set up an important study.  I now have a triple monitor setup and wear progressive lens glasses which has changed my viewing environment yet again.  It should be a goal for all of us to make our viewing system as comfortable and usable as possible.  Thus the purpose of this document.

Read The Friggin Manual

The first place to start is a thorough reading of the User's Manual:  https://www.naturalpoint.com/trackir/documents/TrackIR-software-5_4_0-Manual.pdf  which does a decent job of describing the interface including the many rather daunting graph curves of the 6DOF system.  This document will only address the customizing of the 6DOF curves and other issues relating to flight simulation as the manual does a good job on the other details.

After reading the manual and properly mounting the TIR camera and your head tracking "antlers", it's now time to customize the settings for your particular environment.  At first glance, you might be tempted to just ask for a friend's copy of his TIR profile but that is generally a bad idea as hopefully you'll soon understand.

Measuring Your Environment

As previously stated, we all have various sized monitors as well as varying degrees of tastes and eye health conditions.  Because of this, it is important to take some measurements.   You should have already set up your camera and TrackClip according to the description in the manual.  Make sure when you are sitting comfortably in the "pilot's seat" that the TIR camera reflects as reasonably close to the center of the Camera display as possible:

Once you are satisfied with placement, it's important not to make further adjustments so as to nullify the measurements you will take.  In reality, only two of the six axes rely heavily on the dimensions of your viewing screens, yaw and pitch, but these are the most important so we must be as accurate as possible to get good results.  There are two important measurements that we will be looking at.   Both of these can be done with the TrackIR Software and will give far better results than trying to use rulers or protractors.  These measurements are: Maximum X&Y Points (i.e., your monitor bezels) and Transitional X&Y Points.  Each of these will be futher explained.


Maximum X Point

This measurement is typically the location of the right-hand bezel of your screen (or right-most bezel in the case of multiple monitors).  The left-hand X Point is simply the negative of that measurement because the screen is symmetrical.  Therefore, you only need to measure one side of the screen.   To get this measurement, put on your "antlers" (with the TrackIR Software running and tracking your head movement). Be sure the HUD windows are active:

Sit in the normal "pilot seat" with your feet on the rudder pedals, get as comfortable as possible.  Hold your head as steady as you can and fix your eyes on the 0,0 point (from the illustration above). Hold steady and center the TIR.   Now, being careful not to tip your head forward/backward or side to side, rotate your head slowly to the right until your nose points right at the right-hand bezel of your screen.  Holding your head as steady as a rock, move your eyes over to record the Raw Yaw reading from the 6DOF HUD window.  You may find this easier (especially if you have multiple monitors) if you grab the entire TrackIR window with your mouse and drag it along with you as you move your head.   You might want to repeat the process a number of times and decide on an average value.

In this example, using a single 27" monitor, I'm getting a reading of about 20 degrees:

If I use a triple-monitor setup (one 27" center monitor with 27" monitors to either side), I'm getting a reading of about 50 degrees to the edge of my right monitor:

Now, repeat the process for the left edge of your viewing area just as a sanity check.   You should get about the same value as the left side except that it will be the negative of the right side.  Record the value you decide on as your Maximum X Point.


Maximum Y Point

Using the same technique, record the top and bottom edges of your screen as your Maximum Y Point.   Note that the Y dimension will not change in a multiple-monitor configuration so long as all your monitors are the same height. 

In the example with a 27" monitor, I'm getting about 13 degrees.


Transitional X Point

This measurement is the horizontal location where you feel most comfortable beginning the transition from looking at the straight-ahead view and where you want panning to begin.  In other words, as you look straight ahead at the screen and begin to move your head to the side, the point where you would like the view to begin to move to the side view, this is the transition point.  This is pretty subjective.  To get the idea, face the screen in the "pilot position" and begin to rotate your head to the right and imagine where you feel the most comfortable with the view beginning to change toward the right wing of your plane.  With my three-monitor setup, since I have such a wide view already (about 100 degrees of viewing area), I decided about the 20 degree point was where I wanted TIR to begin moving my view toward the right wing of my airplane.  With a single 27" monitor, it looks like around 6 degrees is a comfort zone for me.  Again, this is higly subjective and you might find you have to fly a while and come back to this exercise to fine tune things.

Transitional Y Point

Same as before but you'll find that the Up and Down movements are greatly compressed.   I found my comfort Transitional Y Point to be only about 1 degree from center in either direction.

Measurement Summary

After a number of attempts at this, I arrived at the following measurements:

Single 27" monitor:

            Maximum X Point   =  20 degrees

            Maximum Y Point   =  13 degrees

            Transitional X Point =  6 degrees

            Transitional Y Point =  1 degree

Three 27" monitors:

            Maximum X Point   =  50 degrees

            Maximum Y Point   =  13 degrees

            Transitional X Point =  20 degrees

            Transitional Y Point =  1 degree

Certainly, the values you get will be different based on your monitors, condition of your eyes, etc.  Over time, I may change my values several times as I get more comfortable with my configuration.

Learning the Interface

TrackIR is a 6DOF system meaning there are six motions your head is tracked while playing a game.  Each of these six motions is represented by a two-dimensional Cartesian plane mapping actual head rotation/movement (horizontal axis) to in-game head rotation/movement (vertical axis).  The actual head movement (horizontal axis) is displayed in either degrees or centimeters (more about this later) from the center (point where you center TIR) and the in-game head movement is a multiplier (vertical axis) of the actual head movement.

The TrackIR Software divides the interface into two parts.   The first part, Basic Settings, is "global" control meaning these settings apply to all profiles that you use.   Here, you set the Tracking Target to be the type of TrackClip you have and the Motion Control is where you set your Speed and Smooth settings.  I'm not going to belabor this further as you can read the manual.

What is of most concern to us here is the Advanced Settings.  In this section, we can create a profile, choose hot keys for the TIR commands, set up head movement curves, associate specific profiles to game titles, and configure camera settings.   We will concentrate on manipulating the six curves for a given profile.

Before we dive into the heart of TrackIR5, there are a couple of tips worth noting.  First, work on one axis at a time and turn off the motion of all the other axes.  If you are working on the Yaw axis, in addition to selecting that axis, turn off all the others:

Don't forget to turn all the axes back on before you go flying!  I've done that more than a few times.

Another handy aid is Display->Rear   This will show two heads, a solid one and a wireframe one.   The solid head tracks your actual head movement while the wireframe head tracks the in-game head.   This is very handy for showing you the effect your curve is having while you work on it.

You can also jump back and forth between TrackIR and your game using the Window Key.   This will allow you to make adjustments and then pop back into the game.

Motion Curves

The six axes (degrees of freedom) curves are classified into two types:  "Head rotation" and "Head movement".  Of the "Head rotation" types are Yaw, Pitch and Roll.  In the Yaw axis you rotate your head as if saying "No".  In the Pitch axis you rotate your head as if saying "Yes".  In the Roll axis you rotate your head from side to side like a dog trying to understand what you are saying.  Of the "Head movement" types are X, Y and Z.  These axes do not involve rotating your head but rather moving it while continuing to face the screen.   In the X axis you move your head left or right like you are trying to look around an object.   In the Y axis you move your head up or down like you are trying to look over or under an object.  in the Z axis you move you head in or out as if you are trying to look farther or nearer an object.  The TrackIR Software uses two types of coordinate systems for these two types of curves.  For the "Head rotation" types, the X axis is titled "True Head Angle (deg)" and the Y axis is titled "Rotation Speed (degs/deg)" and is measured in degrees.   For the "Head movement" types, the X axis is titled "True Head Movement (cm)" and the Y axis is titled "Head Speed (cms/cm)" and is measured in centimeters.

Notice in the screen shot below, I've created a profile named "homeboy-singleMonitor".  I have selected Yaw as the only movement in the Motion Adjustment section and turned off all other axes.  Also, I have turned on TrueView on all my curves as it provides a more realistic experience.  You can experiment with this and I think you'll agree to turn it on for all your curves.

There are a number of things to pay attention to in this graph.  As described earlier, the Yaw axis is a "Head rotation" type of movement so you will notice that the horizontal axis is titled "True Head Angle (deg)" and the vertical axis is titled "Rotation Speed (degs/deg)". 

In this screen shot, I have zoomed out all the way (click the scroll-wheel of the mouse).  Along the horizontal axis are the numbers "-45, -30, -15, 0, 15, 30, 45" which correspond exactly to the degree with which you move your head.   These are the degrees of actual head movement that TIR allows you to configure.  Therefore, the maximum screen width that you can configure is 50 degrees (50 is not actually shown) from the left and -50 degrees from the right for a total of 100 degrees of configurable monitor area.  That is not to say that TIR will not manage a larger area; you just can't adjust values beyond those points.   Points further out than 50 degrees are extropolated from the last Control Point (described later).

In the vertical axis notice the numbers 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35.  These numbers correspond to in-game head movement.   They are multipliers of the corresponding horizontal axis. That means that a point on the graph where the True Head Angle is 10 degrees (moving your head 10 degrees) and the Rotation Speed (multiplier) is 2 would produce a 20 degree (10 X 2) in-game head movement.  This relationship is what gives you the ability of looking to your six o'clock position even though your head is actually only turned 20 degrees to the side.  Pretty cool!

TIR provides 11 Control Points of curve configuration (more on this later); five to the left, five to the right plus a center point.  You can grab these Control Points and drag them where you want them to configure your curve.  You can also click on one of them and place it precisely using the Point: X & Y coordinates.

If you look closely you'll see three colored lines.  The small red line running vertically from the horizontal axis at the 9.8 degree mark on the horizontal axis is the current head position.  That means that my head was exactly 9.8 degrees to the left of center when I took the screen shot.  When you center your TIR position, this line will be exactly at the 0 position on the horizontal axis.   As you move your head, it will reflect the exact position (in degrees) on the horizontal axis.  The green line represents the in-game head position relative to the actual head position and is managed by moving the Control Points around on the graph.  Finally, the orange line shows the result of applying the Speed and Smooth values you have set in Basic Settings to the in-game line (green line).  If you set your Speed value to 1, the orange and green lines will merge into a single orange line as there is no "speed" associated with the curve.  Notice the shape of my orange line as a result of setting my Speed to 2.

You will also notice a dashed line running horizontally across the graph.  This is the "one-to-one" line.  Points you place on this line will produce in-game head movement that exactly match your actual head movement.  That is, there is a 1:1 ratio between actual and in-game movement for all points placed on this line.  A point placed below this line will produce "slower" in-game movement than actual.   If you move a point all the way down to zero, the in-game head will not move at all at that position regardless of actual head movement.  This line provides a convenient reference to how far from actual head movement your curve is.  If you had a curve that was exactly on top of this dashed line then your curve would have no exaggerated head movement at all and your in-game head would move exactly like your actual head.


Creating the Curves

Now that we have our measurements and a better understanding of graphing system, we can proceed to configuring the six curves of the 6DOF system in TrackIR.


As a matter of habit, any time you choose to work on a particular axis, choose that axis (Yaw in this case) from the Axis pull-down and then turn off all the other axes so you can isolate just the one:

You will use the 11 Control Points to define the behavior of the curve you want for the axis being configured.   You will probably need to zoom in (roll the mouse-wheel forward or draw a box around my curve), to reveal all 11 Control Points:

Look closely and you'll see five points on the left of the curve and five on the right with a center point right in the middle smashed close together with the two inner-most points.  Also notice that the curve is symmetrical.   This is because I have turned on the Mirror switch.  Having this switch turned on allows me to just move a point on either side of the graph and the corresponding point on the other side will "mirror" that movement. You will want Mirror turned on when you are working with axes that you want to be symmetrical like the Yaw curve.

Notice that my middle three Control Points are right on the 0 multiplier line (vertical axis) and are very close together.   If I zoom in real close on those three points:

you'll see that my center point is at (0,0) and I have the two adjacent points almost at 0.5 degrees to either side of center.  Since the multiplier (vertical axis) is at zero, this creates a "deadzone" of 1 degree right at the center of the screen.  This allows me just enough dead zone to keep my view steady as I'm trying to line up a shot on a target without adversly disturbing the natural head movement. You will see later that I use a deadzone of a whopping 40 degrees with my triple-monitor setup!   That is because I have such a wide-angle view, I don't want any movement until I start to get beyond those boundaries (more on that later).

Returning to the previous screen shot, notice the Control Points on the left and right extreme positions.   Here is the zoomed in view of the right most point (head movement to the far left):

The horizontal position of this point is right around 20 degrees (looks like between 19.8 and 20.4; hard to read as the numbers are jammed together).  Why did I place this point at 20 degrees?  Remember the measurements we did at the beginning of this document?  20 degrees was the edge of my display on a single 27" monitor.   There is no reason to try to control any points beyond that as they will be off the screen anyway.   Any movement beyond this point will simply be fluidly extrapolated by TIR.  Besides, we only have 11 points of control.  No reason to waste them on parts of the graph we're not even going to see.  Now, do you remember measuring a location on your screen we called Transitional X Point?  Do you remember what that value was for the single 27" monitor?   Yes, it was six degrees.  This is the point where I decided I wanted to see some "serious" head movement translation.   Therefore, I set a Control Point at the 6.0 degree point with a multiplier of 2.  This means when I turn my head six degrees from center, my in-game head will be twice that at 12 degrees.  Since I want to make sure I can turn my in-game head all the way around to check my six (i.e., 180 degrees) within the width of my screen (20 degrees), I set my last Control Point at 20 degrees with a multiplier of 9.   That means when my head reaches the edge of the screen (20 degrees), my in-game head will be 20 x 9 = 180 degrees.  I'm looking right at the tail of my plane when my head is pointing at the bezel of my monitor.  Since TIR will extrapolate, the view will actually go beyond 180 degrees if I continue to turn my head.   It starts to get uncomfortable to fix my eyes with my head turned that far anyway so it's fine to stop at the bezel.

In summary, let's go over the seven Control Points we see in this last zoomed in screen shot:

The left most point we can see is at -0.6 degrees (hard to tell that).   This is the left most point of my center-screen dead zone.

The next point is my center point.  It is right on (0,0).

The next point is at (0,0.6).   This is the right most point of my dead zone.  That gives me 1 degree of dead zone on my Yaw axis.

The next point is at (6,2).   That translates an actual head movement of six degrees to in-game of 12 degrees (x2).

The next point is at about (11,5).   That translates an actual head movement of about 11 degrees to in-game of 55 degrees (x5).

The next point is at about (16,8).  That translates an actual head movement of about 16 degrees to in-game of 128 degrees.

Finally, the last point is at (20,9) which we've already discussed gives us 180 degrees at the edge of the screen (20 degrees).

As you can see, the view speeds up as you get close to the edge of the screen and is slower near the center.  This provides for a very comfortable and less "twitchy" head movement while allowing the range of motion we need to look all the way to the rear.  Also, since the points are the same on both sides of the curve, the head movement will by symmetrical; just what we need for a Yaw movement.

Here is the Yaw axis for the single 27" monitor:

Here is the Yaw axis for the triple-monitor setup using identical 27" monitors:

Let's make some observations about the triple-monitor Yaw graph. 

Notice the very wide dead zone.  40 degrees!  That's because I determined that my Transitional X Point was 20 degrees so I didn't want any head movement at all until my head was about 1/3 into my side monitors.  This allows me to look around very naturally within the viewing angle my monitors allow without TIR moving my view.  Very natural; very comfortable.

Since I measured my Maximum X Point to be 50 degrees, I set my last Control Point as far as TIR allows with a multiplier of about 6 (about 300 degrees) which means I achieve a rear view well before my head reaches that outside bezel (around 36 degrees, that second point up on the green curve).   That's a pretty good stretch so I didn't want to have to turn my head quite that far to get my six o'clock position.  Trial and error revealed this to be a pretty comfortable configuration. It's an example of starting with a calculated configuration and then modifying it with experience.

The Yaw axis is the only curve that needs to change between a single monitor setup and a multi-monitor (e.g. triple-monitor) if all monitors have the same dimension in the vertical axis.   The other five DOFs have no relation to the width of the display.


Like Yaw, Pitch is another of the "Head Rotation" type of curve so it's horizontal axis is titled "True Head Angle (deg)" and the vertical is "Rotation Speed (degs/deg)".  In this graph, as you move your head up, the head position marker (red line) moves to the right on the horizontal axis.  This axis is graduated in degrees of movement.

Here is the Pitch curve:

Since my Maximum Y Point was 13, my graph doesn't go much beyond that point.  My Transitional Y Point was 1 degree so I started a pretty decent curve up to that first green point at 3 degrees.   That's a good slope and feels very comfortable.

Note that this curve is asymmetrical.  That's because I determined that I wanted to have more "up" movement than "down" because looking down need not go much beyond 90 degrees (looking down into the cockpit or looking down over the edge of the cockpit doesn't need that much.   However, I wanted to look up and actually look all the way back 180 degrees so I could check my six by looking up in addition to yawing to my six.  I like this a lot!   At first it seemed weird but it's actually pretty nice to be able to look behind me in more than just Yaw.

It's also worth noting that Yaw and Pitch are the only two axes that rely on the Maximum and Transitional Points in any way.  All the other axes are pretty much natural movements that you would normally do inside a real cockpit.


A lot of people turn this axis off.   That's a shame.  If configured incorrectly, this axis can create a lot of movement that is really unpleasant and it's easy to just turn it off out of frustration.  However, if you get this set up well, it really does help you deal with blind spots like trying to look around the head-rest in the P-51.  I worked very hard getting this to work and this curve really does the job.   The real magic of this curve takes place inside the middle three degrees.   Let's zoom in and take a look at those Control Points at the center:

All three of these Control Points are well below the 1:1 line so in-game head movement is much slower than actual head movement in this region.  Notice that the curve stays below the 1:1 line all the way out to the 6 degree point.   That keeps movement really slow for much of your viewing area.   Before I took the screen shot, I clicked on that right Control Point so you can see its coordinates.  At the 1.4 degree point on the Head Angle axis, the in-game head has only rotated 1.4 X 0.3 = 0.42 degrees.  Even at the 6 degree point, the in-game head has just begun to catch up: 6 X 1 = 6 degrees.  I also wanted to eventually get 180 degrees of rotation so I accelerated the curve all the way out to the 50 degree point.  We achieve 180 degree roll with this curve at around the 36 degree point:



The X axis is a side-to-side movement as if you were trying to look around an object.  The remaining three axes (X, Y, and Z) are "Head Movement" types rather than "Head Rotation" types.   The horizontal axis is titled "True Head Movement (cm)" and the vertical is titled "Head Speed (cms/cm)".   The important difference between these types and the ones we've looked at so far is that the movement is measured in centimeters instead of degrees.

Here is the X curve:

As you can see, I've had to zoom way in to actually see this curve.   It is really tiny.   The entire width of the curve is a mere 6 centimeters and that includes a full one centimeter of dead zone!  It does accelerate rapidly but the movement never exceeds 2X.  This, together with Roll and Y provide a very natural and smooth ability to look around things (like the P-51 head-rest and canopy struts).  The key to this axis, like Roll, is to keep the movement small!



This axis allows you to look over things and to look under things.   With this axis, you can stretch your head up over the instrument panel and see a little of the nose of the plane or stretch out as you move you head over (X axis) and roll (Roll axis) to see around that head-rest in the P-51.  This axis allows you to look up over the yoke to get a better view of the row of switches that it is otherwise blocking.  Also, you can compress your neck slightly to get sight of that parking brake that is just out of view under the instrument panel.  The Y axis completes the picture together with X and Roll in overcoming blind spots.  None of these three axes involve very much movement at all (and they are all but useless in and of themselves) but they work together beautifully to give you that very natural feel that we all long for in a viewing system.  I am very excited to discover how to actually use these three axes.

As you can see I've had to zoom way in to even see the graph.  Notice the asymmetry.   I made this graph asymmetric because it is much easier to raise your head up (stretch out your neck) than it is to lower it (compress your neck).  I made the in-game movement over twice as accelerated in the down direction than in the up direction.   This asymmetry makes the in-game head move up and down in a pretty symmetric fashion.  With all that said however, the movement is pretty tiny; less than 5 centimeters total.  As with X and Roll, smaller is better!



Ok, the final curve!  The Z axis is basically a zoom axis.  It's what you use when sitting in a darkly lit restaurant and you push your head into the menu so as to see those tiny numbers and dollar signs.  In the cockpit, the Z axis is necessary to allow you to look closely at the altimeter while you dial in a barometric pressure or zoom in on the piper in a fighter.  Any time you need to "take a closer look", you need the Z axis.

I decided that I don't really care to zoom out much as I find this axis pretty much a "zoom in" sort of animal.  Therefore I made it asymmetrical with almost nothing in the "zoom out" direction.  I set a point on the 1:1 line at (1,1) but then disable zoom out movement altogether at 3 centimeters.  This gives me a tiny bit of zoom out (I'm not sure why really; didn't want to totally waste the ability I guess) but, as you can see, I have a fairly healthy "zoom in" capability.   It works great when looking down a piper so much so that I haven't even used my "weapon zoom in key" since I set this up.



Final Thoughts

I was so excited with the results of an exhaustive study of TrackIR5 that I felt I had to write this document; not only to share but to remember what I'd learned.  One of the most exciting discoveries was the relationship between the X, Roll, and Y axes.  After realizing the need to keep these movements very small, my viewing setup came alive!  As I am getting older and my eyes are changing some since the early days of using TIR, it occurred to me how different this system will need to be for other users.   The types and amounts of monitors used will also demand a highly customized configuration as well.

Ever since those days of struggling with the POV hat switch on my joystick and saying every time I used it "there has to be a better way", I have been seeking a more natural, fluid, and realistic viewing system that overcomes blind spots.  TrackIR5 is not there yet but with a careful scientific configuration followed by "seat-of-the-pants" tweaking, it's worth the effort put into making it work.